Together with all these programs, parents, students, and staff-WE can build a better school for our children. If you have any questions about any of our collection drives, please contact me at you for your support. After 23 years of clipping Box Tops, people across America can now ditch the scissors for their smartphones, earning cash for schools with the simple push of a button on an app. This money will go to help fund field trips, school supplies, and new technology! For a list of participating products, please go to. Each box top collected is worth 10 cents. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to our school’s earnings online. Since 1996, Americas schools have earned more than 250 million through Box Tops for EducationOur school can earn up to 60,000 each year. If you see this label, use the new Box Tops app to scan your receipt. You can still clip boxtops and send them to school. Participating brands are starting to change their packaging from a traditional Box Tops clip to the new Box Top label. Box Tops earnings are identified and automatically updated online. You can still clip and send them to school.Įventually the Box Tops program will become digital-only. The Box Tops for Education program is a method where you cut and clip the Box Tops logo on any participating product and the school redeems them for Cash!! The traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production, but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. Recorta Box Tops de cientos de tus productos favoritos. De hecho, tal vez tengas algunos en tu casa en este momento.

Each Box Top coupon is worth 10 for your school and that adds up fast recorte box tops y recauda dinero para tu escuela cereales Encontrar Box Tops es fcil. Through these programs, we can collect “Box Tops” logos from participating products to earn money and supplies for our school! Clip Box Tops from hundreds of your favorite products. My name is Leah Stockham and I am the coordinator for our school.

Welcome to an exciting year at Stowe Elementary! This year, our school will be participating in the Box Tops for Education program.